You are what you read, see and hear!

You are what you read, see and hear!

What food does to our body; What we see, read and hear does to our mind!!

In this day and age of free social media, pick and choose what works for you. The internet is flooded with motivational talks, audiobooks, podcasts, videos, self-help material of inspirational people and mentors. It is up to you to fix your life goals, pick and choose wisely while discarding the rest. No one is going to parent you you have to it yourself. Pay attention to what you fill your mind with, your life will become just that!

Food gives us strength, nourishes our body for day to day activities. Our thoughts make us take actions which makes our life. Our thoughts are directly proportional to the contents of what we see, hear and read. To analyse your thoughts, pay attention to how you feel. For eg:- If you feel uneasy and are not happy that means you may be having sad negative thoughts at the moment, making your life looks dull and bleak.

If you wish to change your life, you have to change your thought pattern and empower yourself with the corresponding positive thought. The easiest way to change a negative thought flow is by reading something positive or hearing something appropriate or seeing, reasoning and understanding the situation of your life in the correct context. By accepting what needs to be accepted and by taking action and working on what can be improved. By realising that, ‘You have been blessed. millions do not have what you have yet you crib!’

By complaining and blaming others, nothing much is achieved. Taking ownership to change your own thought pattern and thus your own life is in your own hands. If you are not happy with your life, you have to analyse and change the direction of your thoughts to change your life. To have happy thoughts, read appropriate books, hear audios and podcasts with suitable content and see good things. If you want to develop your personality, approach the right mentors, books, and content.

For more… please read my upcoming book #Unleash The SHAKTI Within

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  1. sex tube

    There is definately a lot to learn about this subject. I really like all of the points you have made. Marilee Meredeth Joye

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